The most modern and, considered by many, the most beautiful marina in the Adriatic, whose highest standards in design and technological solutions match those of the world’s elite destinations, has a total of 196 moorings or berths for boats of the average length of 17 meters. It brings together all the technical and support services and represents premium nautical one-stop-shop destination.
Discounts on multi-annual Berthing Contracts at ACI Marina Rovinj
Discounts shall be granted for all new Berthing Contracts concluded until 31.12.2020, as follows:
- Annual Contract – 10% discount
- Biennial Contract – 20% discount
- Triennial Contract – 30% discount
- Additional 5% discount shall be added to the above-stated discounts to existing users of the annual Berthing Contract at ACI marina Rovinj when extending annual Berthing Contract
When concluding a multi-annual Berthing Contract payment shall be made annually based on the price determined by the current price list, and in the event of early termination of the Contract by the User, the discount granted shall be immediately cancelled.
ACI Rovinj
Annual berth inquiry